The Amici House received funding support from both New York State Homes and Community Renewal (NYDHCR) and New York State Homeless Housing and Assistance (NYHHA) programs. The housing units are for young individuals who are homeless or vulnerable.
In addition to mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection and structural design, Taitem provided NYSERDA Multifamily New Construction consulting and Enterprise Green Communities consulting, including energy modeling and testing and verification.
Tompkins Community Action
Amici House and Childcare Center
This new mixed-use supported housing building is highly energy efficient and features a semi-central hybrid air-source heat pump DHW system. Amici House has ground-floor offices and common spaces, with 23 affordable apartments on floors 2 through 5.
The project included a 7,010 SF early heard start facility—called the "Harriet Gianellis Childcare Center”—that houses five classrooms, a kitchen, restrooms, and an outdoor play area. The childcare facility serves 40 low-to-moderate income families and created 21 jobs.
701 Spencer Road, Ithaca, NY