Ithaca Arthaus — Ithaca, NY
Taitem led a heat-pump conversion project at 212 W. 105th Street, an affordable HDFC co-op building. We believe this is the first such steam-to-heat pump conversion project that was fully monitored, providing post-installation data analysis to validate energy savings.
This building is a 5-story, 10-unit walkup, with 9,690 SF, of which 10% is common area (vestibule, corridors). The pre-retrofit steam boiler provided both space heating and DHW, with window air-conditioning units providing cooling.
Taitem services included pre-design, design, construction, and post-construction services. Pre-design services included creating a calibrated
Steam to Heat Pump Conversion in NYC LMI Co-op

eQUEST energy model to simulate pre- and post-retrofit performance, coordinating with Daikin (which donated equipment for the retrofit), and working with Cornell University’s Department of Mechanical Engineering to involve students in an innovative real-world project.
Taitem designed the heat pump installation, including scope and bidding documents, and provided on-site project management. Taitem also scoped and designed the heat pump installation for DHW, although this has not yet been installed.
Through its Technical Review contract with NYSERDA, Taitem provided measurement and verification, including installation of monitoring equipment, data gathering, and data analysis.